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제목 Future Trends in Sustainability_ Mark Richardson(ARUP)
등록일 2016-11-16 16:24:35 조회수 2514

다국적 유명 엔지니어링 컨설팅 회사 “ARUP"의 Mark Richardson를 모시고 아래와 같이 친환경관련 강연을 진행하였습니다. 


주제 : “Future Trends in Sustainability”

발표자 : Mark Richardson (Arup Senior Engineer, Mechanical Engineer, Building Sustainability Consultant)

일시 : 2016. 11. 16(Wed) PM 14:00~15:30

장소 : ArtCenter

강의내용 :

(1) Intro to Arup, Building Sustainability

(2) De-Carbonisation of Building Stock - CIC Zero Carbon Building HK

(3) The Healthy Building Movement - Electric Road Hong Kong / Hysan Place Hong Kong

(4) Urban Place Making-Southbeach, Singapore/M+ Museum, Hong Kong (Arts & Culture)


첨부파일: Sustainable Futures, Mark Richardson




관련문의: [신규사업팀] 이동은 T 02.2250.6047 / 홍보팀 정진선 팀장 T 02.3407.1247